There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 98 part1

Daughter-in-law I Love You: Did you guys notice yet? Great God Jing Shu’s food will make you feel floaty and comfortable after eating. It\'ll disappear after a while though, it\'s just like taking drugs.

Angel Wings: Upstairs is saying nonsense! Jing Shu baby’s dishes make you feel comfortable after eating it is because of her good cooking skills. You guys are jealous! Saying nonsense! Slandering people! Stealing my Jing Shu baby’s recipes wasn\'t enough, you actually still want to slander my family\'s baby, are you guys still human?!

Morons should take Medicine: In the past, as I was practicing cooking, I did the wildest thing and added random monster drops to the dishes. The finished products that I made at the time also gave various poisonous and negative effects. Great God Jing Shu’s dishes giving debuffs after consuming it, could it be because she also added some type of monster drop?

A Little Small Transparent Square: I bet fifty cents that it\'s absolutely like this! I’ve compared the dishes made by my friends with those made by Jing Shu. There are some subtle differences in taste but the smell was a lot different! What was more frightening was that, when I went to the Gentleman’s Pavilion in real life to have dinner, although I could only eat there once because I was poor, I really felt the light floating feeling. After eating, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with this feeling. I didn’t realize it until the issue became so loud this time, it’s simply too terrifying!

Seeing Catfights Everyday: Great god Jing Shu come out~ Come out and fight~ You\'re usually talking on the forum every day, why haven’t you appeared these days~

Angel Wings: I went to the Gentleman’s Pavilion to eat so many times and had no problem at all! You’re all slandering her!

Tree Leaves on the Sandbank: You probably didn\'t go to the main restaurant in B city. Because I go on frequent business trips, I have tasted the dishes of Gentleman\'s Pavilions from all over the country. Only the main restaurant’s dishes taste weird. Last time I went to the main restaurant, I just happened to see a guest slam the door and leave. It seems like the customer\'s sense of smell was slightly better and smelled that there was a problem with the dishes\' aroma and ran away in disgust.

He He: Could it be that the Gentleman’s Pavilion opened in real life by Great God Jing Shu also adds insects to the dishes? What the fuck! In the game, eating the dishes laced with insects just gives you some debuffs. In real life, eating them could lead to death!

The players were shocked, and the passionate gossip soared again, but this time, rather than excitement and curiosity for gossip, their passion was filled with anger and disbelief from their vital interests being violated. Ye Zhizhou watched the crazily rolling comments for a bit before logging out of his various side accounts and climbed into bed to sleep.

The next day, he didn’t log onto the game but went to the restaurant opened by the protagonist’s father. Because of his daughter’s pressure on him, Jun Shujing\'s father had to close dozens of his chain restaurants, leaving only 2 with minimal employees. The boss who used to be too busy was now forced into being idle. He worked in his restaurant every day, accompanied by his wife and child.

When Ye Zhizhou arrived, Jun Shujing\'s father was holding a tablet, looking through the game forum. His brows were wrinkled and his expression was solemn.

“Boss Jun.” Ye Zhizhou stood in front of the other and directly handed his business card over. “Hello, I’m Fu Ximing. I\'m currently in charge of Fu Yuan. I’d like to ask you some things about your daughter, Jun Shujing.” After finding out that most of the content in the plot information was inconsistent with actual facts, he thought of the Jun family who were the first to be killed by the protagonist. From just looking at the protagonist’s actions of creating a side account, and then splashing dirty water on her stepmother and sister, he already suspected that the protagonist’s original story of being ignored by her father, suppressed by her stepmother and bullied by her younger sister was all false.

Jun Shujing\'s father raised his head to look at Ye Zhizhou and then signaled to the waiter, who was walking towards them to receive Ye Zhizhou, to stay away. He took the business card and looked at it. Suddenly he sighed, “I know what you want to ask… It’s my daughter’s fault that your Fu Yuan has become like this. It’s also my fault that I didn’t teach my daughter well… Let’s go and talk in the private room upstairs.”

Ye Zhizhou was a bit taken aback by his excessively kind and gentle attitude. He nodded and followed him upstairs.

Jun Shujing\'s father\'s name was Jung Chenguang. He started his business from scratch and could also be considered a small legend in the catering industry of B city. This former big boss experienced the ups and downs of life, but his state of mind became increasingly peaceful. He acted like the boss of an ordinary small restaurant, not having any airs. He led Ye Zhizhou to his seat and said with slight embarrassment, “The restaurant is rather messy. I hope Mr. Fu doesn’t mind. In fact, this branch will be sold after a while. I’m preparing to take my wife and child back to my hometown. My youngest daughter has a body that isn\'t in good health and needs to rest."

Youngest daughter? Ye Zhizhou accepted the tea that Jun Chenguang handed him and went over the information of Jun Zhenzhen, the protagonist’s younger sister, in his mind. Jun Zhenzhen, who had been intelligent since childhood, was a freshman at a famous university and was two years younger than the protagonist. Because of her failure in seducing a male lead later, she was beaten to dust by the protagonist. She began to neglect her studies and got diagnosed with a mental illness, and her body rapidly deteriorated. In the original plot, Jun Zhenzhen got addicted to drugs, and in the end, died of an overdose.

He turned his teacup and deliberated for a bit before he asked, “Your youngest daughter’s illness… The symptoms are, blueness of the skin, frequent loss of consciousness, mental degeneration, irrational behavior, and a lot of spoken nonsense?"

Jun Chenguang was startled and said, “How does Mr. Fu know…” His youngest daughter’s illness has never been revealed to the public. When someone asked, he would use the excuse that she had a small car accident and broke her bones, so she needed to rest for several months.

“I know how to treat this sickness. To be honest, I made a few inquiries about your family before I came here. It isn\'t my first time seeing something like your youngest daughter’s sickness." He sent out his spiritual power and made his tone gentler and friendlier. “May I examine your youngest daughter, please?”

Jun Chenguang took him to a quiet apartment complex near the restaurant. As they walked, he spoke, "Because the plan is to go back to my hometown, I\'ve already sold off my previous properties. The place we live in currently is rented, the floor we\'re on is a bit high and there\'s no elevator. Asking Mr. Fu to not be offended."

Ye Zhizhou hurriedly expressed that he was fine with it, and he had a better impression of Jun Chenguang. Such a considerate and friendly person doesn\'t seem to be someone who would completely neglect his daughter.

Following Jun Chenguang to the seventh floor, just as they opened the door, they happened to see a middle-aged woman coming out of the kitchen holding a bowl of soup.

“Xiao Wei, there\'s a guest." Jun Chenguang greeted the middle-aged woman with this sentence and then turned to Ye Zhizhou. “This is my wife, Jin Wei.”

Ye Zhizhou smiled and greeted the kind-looking Jin Wei. He carefully sized her up and silently put a big question mark on the \'vicious stepmother\' in the plot information.

Jin Wei’s character was the same as her appearance, very gentle and kind. She hesitated for a moment after learning of Ye Zhizhou\'s purpose for visiting. She entered her daughter’s room first to help clean up before letting the two of them in. Worried, she asked, “Zhenzhen\'s condition has been getting worse recently. I’m really worried… Mr. Fu, have you really have seen a case like Zhenzhen\'s before?"

[Scanning complete: The insect poison had reached the heart. Three years of life remaining. Applicable pill: Universal Qingwan Pill and Perfect Dabu Pill. ]

Ye Zhizhou comforted Jin Wei with a few phrases and then looked at Jun Zhenzhen, who was lying on the bed, with lax eyes and incessant nonsensical talking. His heart sank and he hurried forward to feed her an Anshen pill. When she closed her eyes and fell asleep, he turned to face Jun Chenguang and Jin Wei. He took out the pills to show them, explained their effects in detail, and then asked if they agreed to let her take the medicine.

Jun Chenguang hesitated, but Jin Wei nodded and directly agreed. In the face of Jun Chenguang\'s disapproving eyes, she said with a trace of despair, “Zhenzhen is already like this… It’s better to have this little bit of hope than to continue to drag on like this.”

Jun Chenguang became silent when he heard this and turned around, walking out of the room. A silent acquiescence of Ye Zhizhou\'s pill treatment.

Fortunately, the system was as powerful as ever. Not long after the pill was swallowed, Jun Zhenzhen\'s complexion became much better. Jun Chenguang was surprised while Jin Wei couldn\'t help but cover her mouth and cry in excitement. She turned to face Ye Zhizhou and looked like she wanted to kneel down in front of him. “Thank you, thank you. The hospital was unable to find out the real cause of Zhenzhen\'s sickness. They just said it was because she was allergic to something, but if it was really an allergic reaction, why would she become like this… There was no news after my eldest daughter ran away from home. If anything happened to my youngest daughter, I really don’t know how to continue living…”

Ye Zhizhou rushed forward to support her up and led the topic in Jun Shujing’s direction. “Your eldest daughter ran away from home? Is she Jun Shujing, the boss of Gentleman\'s Pavilion? I\'ve come here to talk to you exactly about this…"

“The boss of Gentleman’s Pavilion?” Jin Wei was stunned and unconsciously interrupted his words, turning her head to look doubtfully at Jun Chenguang. “Chenguang, what does he mean, boss of Gentleman\'s Pavilion?”

Jun Chenguang looked away from her, not meeting her gaze and said in a small voice, “Xiao Wei, actually, Gentleman’s Pavilion was opened by Shujing…”

“What?!” Jin Wei was surprised. She walked forward to pull his arm and frantically said, “So, Shujing has been in the same city as me? Wh-why did you lie to me all this time! I’ve been so worried that she wasn\'t doing well outside. How could you…"

Ye Zhizhou raised his eyebrows. The surprise and worry on Jin Wei’s face were definitely genuine, so… He poked at the little mirror in his pocket and said in his mind, “Tongtian, the hole in your plot data this time, it\'s pretty big.”

Tongtian moved its fake wings, like in the game, and decided that silence was golden.

Sorry split chapter again! But enjoy the cliff hanger :blobpeek:

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